Variants (under construction)
This page contains variantions of the same releases, meaning the ponies were (most probably) made in a different factory.
With variants we do not mean re-releases from different sets. Please find these on the following page.
Seabreeze is the only actual official variant. You view her feature in a commercial on her info page. And the pony is featured on the packaging. The rest of the variants are more in the 'there was variation between factories' area.
Disclaimer: In the discussion is it a variant or a factory error?
Some 'variants' listed on the variant page might technically be an factory error (2002 Blue Pearl, a whole batch might have gotten the wrong hair by accident), however this is counted a variant as this is a pony found frequently for sale. A factory error is counter more as a one or two pony error, and example would be 2003 Puff with swapped hair colours (green on top and yellow on bottom).
With variants we do not mean re-releases from different sets. Please find these on the following page.
Seabreeze is the only actual official variant. You view her feature in a commercial on her info page. And the pony is featured on the packaging. The rest of the variants are more in the 'there was variation between factories' area.
Disclaimer: In the discussion is it a variant or a factory error?
Some 'variants' listed on the variant page might technically be an factory error (2002 Blue Pearl, a whole batch might have gotten the wrong hair by accident), however this is counted a variant as this is a pony found frequently for sale. A factory error is counter more as a one or two pony error, and example would be 2003 Puff with swapped hair colours (green on top and yellow on bottom).
Variations in production start right of the bat. The ponies in 1997 were released in two different 'molds'.
A general rule of thumb: A pony with a single row of manes is also smaller!
Distrubution is a bit uncertain.
All of my own childhood ponies had a single row of manes (Netherlands, Europe).
A general rule of thumb: A pony with a single row of manes is also smaller!
Distrubution is a bit uncertain.
All of my own childhood ponies had a single row of manes (Netherlands, Europe).
Uncertain whether the Spanish Variant was released in 1997 (regular release) or in 1998 (MO Seabreeze)
Mommy and baby sets
Royal Ponies
2000/ 2002
Wedding Carriage Sky Skimmer right in picture (2000) vs. School Sky Skimmer left in picture (2002)
Changing Mane and Tail
The 2001 (and possibly the 2002) release of the Changing Mane and Tail ponies have been released in two different molds.
The easiest way to tell them apart:
One has a dot on the chest, on the front and the other doesn't.
The 2001 (and possibly the 2002) release of the Changing Mane and Tail ponies have been released in two different molds.
The easiest way to tell them apart:
One has a dot on the chest, on the front and the other doesn't.
Secret Surprise
Magic Motion Family
Royal Lady Ponies
Fantasy Hair Ponies
Hobby Ponies
Play Area Twins